Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Learning Key Chain Webinar

Do your students sometimes appear not to connect to your subject, its materials, or even to you? Learning preferences play a great role in how much and how well we learn or want to learn anything. When we decide to learn something, we pick the key that works for us. A flexible "lock" allows for many keys to access content.

Join us for an interactive webinar on Friday November 5th at 1pm with Leecy Wise. Participants will explore how they learn and teach best. The webinar will provide instructors with a broad perspective on how students might prefer to learn. The webinar will introduce instructors to new ways of presenting content and engaging students with a variety of learning needs and abilities.

How do you customize content in your courses to meet different learner preferences? Share with us techniques you use or want to try in the Cultivating Excellence Blog in the CCCOnline Community before or after the webinar.

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