Have you been inspired lately by a good conference?
The eLearning Consortium of Colorado (eLcc) recently held their annual conference, and below are a few “food for thought” tidbits from some sessions. In the CCCOnline Community, feel free to contribute anything you’ve learned recently from a good conference, f2f or online.
The eLearning Consortium of Colorado (eLcc) recently held their annual conference, and below are a few “food for thought” tidbits from some sessions. In the CCCOnline Community, feel free to contribute anything you’ve learned recently from a good conference, f2f or online.
number = 150 (the number of people with whom a person can reasonably interact);
relevant in social networking and perhaps eLearning/MOOCs
--Peer reviewers/mentors
can help struggling online instructors
student teams can work: need to have ground rules established right away
--Embedded librarians
make a difference: students feel more connected to a course and comfortable
with librarians
Learning Environments (PLEs) can be useful for faculty or students (a PLE can
compile social-media networks, organizations, articles, courses, etc., around a
specific learning goal)
teaching: helpful to ask adults for their life experience (they need to feel
their prior experience is valuable); youngest (Millennial) students respond
well to structured assignments with tight deadlines